QAC County-Wide
Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban
Our neighbors in Centreville already have taken the bold action to ban the single-use carry-out plastic bags. While our Queen Anne’s County Commissioners have successfully tackled other environmental challenges, such as banning balloon releases, installing fishing line recycling stations at our docks, and funding the boat shrink wrap recycling program, we in Queen Anne's County continue to distribute these bags by the thousands every day. Each will outlive our children's children, breaking down into microplastics that poison our fish, our waters, and eventually, ourselves. We are learning more and more about how bad microplastics are affecting our endocrine systems and organs throughout our bodies. Nobody likes change. Centreville went through some irritations and complaints from consumers to begin with, but now they are used to bringing their own reusable bags, and most shoppers that we encountered want the rest of the county to follow suit! Why should only Centreville have such an ordinance? On Tuesday, February 25, the QAC Commissioners heard the results of a survey of business owners on how to ban single-ues plastic carry out bags. The survey was conducted by Ms. Heather Tinelli, Director of Tourism and Economic. at the Commission's request. Director Tinelli reported that the survey was sent to 2,700 businesses, revealing that 45% of respondents, including citizens, supported the ban. However, among businesses that replied, 53% opposed it, while only 27% were in favor.3 days ago
Plastic Free QAC was invited to give testimony following Ms. Tinelli’s report. Bente Cooney deliverd testimony on behalf of Plastic Free QAC's. PFQAC volunteers and other supporters filled the room to show the commissioners public support to get rid of the single use plastic bags. The Commissioners were urged to join other Maryland jurisdictions, including Montgomery, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Howard, and Prince George’s Counties, and the cities of Annapolis, Baltimore, Frederick, Westminster, College Park, Greenbelt, Takoma Park, Laurel, Salisbury, Easton, Chestertown and Centreville in eliminating single-use plastic carry-out bags. Learn more about this initiative on the website:
Action items for our readers:
Call or write the Commissioners to let them know that you want the
Centreville Ordinance on Single-use Plastic Carry-out Bags
expanded to the rest of the Queen Anne’s County.
Just leave a message: 410-758-4098 or write: [email protected]