Analysis finds bag bans effective at reducing plastic waste, litter

Until recent decades, most shopping didn’t involve single-use plastic bags. That could be the case again soon. Recently enacted plastic bag bans across the United States have proven that people can still shop without plastic bags – and benefit their communities by doing so.

Plastic Bag Bans Work, a new report released Thursday by U.S. PIRG Education Fund, Environment America Research & Policy Center, and Frontier Group, estimates that, on average, plastic bag bans similar to those studied can eliminate almost 300 single-use plastic bags per person, per year. Studied bans have also reduced plastic bag litter by one-third or more and encouraged the use of more sustainable options.

Add your voice in support of a single-use plastic bag ban at the Queen Anne's County Commissioner Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 25, 5:30 PM at 107 N. Liberty Street in Centreville. Or see how to stream at!